Thursday, April 13, 2006

Multiple City Support

Hey y’all, I thought I’d take a break from all the doom and gloom posts about economics to update menumap. It’s been a while! Google updated their mapping api and menupages added three new cities. did multiple cities by creating new sites with seperate databases (with overlapping IDs), and I keep everything in one database, so I had to do some restructuring to support multiple cities. It’s all one big Earth to me, so as you zoom in and out the restaurant details and filter will appear or disappear depending upon the city you’re looking att.

The number of restaurants in the database has gone from 4,484 to 10,590. I’ve cleaned up the UI a bit, fixed a few bugs, and added a “link_to” which should let people pass urls around.

There are still issues with the geocoding. I think, for example, there are many restaurants really in Chelsea showing up in Brooklyn because it goes confused about which “6th Ave” it was looking for. I think I’m going to need to add zipcode to the neighborhood info, but that’s for another day.

Please let me know of any problems or if you have any suggestions. For example, where should I center the map for each city? Send me links please.

In case you forgot the link.

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